Wednesday, April 19, 2017

3 Ways To Stop An Anxiety Attack

Anxiety attacks are intensely difficult to go through. It's sad to go through a moment of countless fear with no way out. I know what you're feeling. I deal with that pretty often. 

I deal with a severe issue where my stomach breaks down and I lose my appetite when I'm nervous or scared. This is fine when I'm going on a roller coaster, but in the regular world, I don't like skipping my meals when I'm nervous for a job interview or when I'm hanging with friends.

  1. Breathe In and Out While Zoning Out

The goal when it comes down to relaxing your body during an attack is to properly breathe in and out. The goal is to also remove all thoughts and to clear your mind, but this isn't always that easy. Breathing in and out is the body's way of calming down. This is why you need to learn how to breathe even when you aren't going through an attack. When you know how to maintain being calm, you can easily use your breathing to calm you down during a stressful attack.

  1. Mind Games

Your mind can play mean tricks on you when an attack is happening. You feel the need to run or flee away because your mind is telling you you're going to faint, throw up, get nauseous, or even die. But you can play games too.

When you're getting out of control, start doing multiplication or division in your head. You can also count backwards starting from 100 and minusing by 3. You can count 100, 97, 94, 91, 88..and so forth. Even do different numbers.

Doing this allows for your mind to stop thinking about negativity or anything scaring you. And it forces you to think. A thinking kind surely get your mind moving and not focusing on the negatives. 
  1. Exercise and Stretching

It's vital to make sure that you stretch and get up to exercise. Doing this can allow you to feel a lot less stressed. Working out helps a lot with releasing endorphins.

You'll surely love how just a quick 20-30 minute workout can get your body and mind thinking about something else. Even during an attack, just standing up and doing a couple jumping jacks can help reduce the anxiety.

Stopping an anxiety attack this way is surely going to help get yourself  out there and relax more. Stopping an anxiety attack is about knowing what proper tricks to use on your body and mind to stop them. I highly recommend you go through this amazing site filled with other great tips to help solve your anxiety issue.

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